An Authorised Kriya Yoga Master in Lahri Mahasaya’s Lineage.
Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas (better known to his students as “Guruji”) is of the same lineage as Sri Paramahansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi). He was initiated and authorised to pass on the science of Kriya Yoga by Sri Satya Charan Lahiri (the grandson of Mahayogi Lahiri Mahasaya).
As an internationally recognised Kriya Yogi and spiritual master from Varanasi, India, his students from around the world share remarkable stories of positive and profound change in their lives, having learned yoga from him.
In October 2007 Guruji was awarded the Distinguished Talent Visa for his status as spiritual master and he has been living and teaching at the Kashi Kriya Yoga Centre in Gisborne, Victoria since then. However, he still travels abroad to see his disciples, and makes return trips to India whenever he can.
If you are interested in applying for Kriya Yoga initiation, please see the section below, or visit Guruji’s website.
“It seems like a strange question when people are asking, “How can I recognise a true Guru?”
In India we say that it is not possible to recognise a true Guru – there is no meaning for this – because from the external appearance it is not possible to recognise – and, if you can recognise with your inner Self, then it means you are equal to the Guru; you have attained the same level of consciousness.
If you have attained that level of consciousness, then you are already fully liberated and do not need a physical Guru.”
– Guruji (Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas)
If you are serious about seeking Kriya initiation, please get all the facts first. Kriya is priceless – don’t settle for less than the real thing at a time when many teachers are passing on a changed method. Find out what Kriya is all about: the commitment and discipline it involves, and its benefits. Understand the principles which Lahiri Mahasaya deemed inseparable from the practice and find out if this path is really what you are looking for. Kriya Yoga will not only provide you with the facts, it will also give you the tools to recognise Lahiri Mahasaya’s Kriya. Kriya Yoga contains discussions with an authorised Kriya Yoga master (Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas – “Guruji”), who migrated from Varanasi, India, to Australia in 2007. No directory exists which divides the false gurus from the true Gurus, although this is another topic which is dealt with in some depth in Kriya Yoga.
Guruji does recommend that seekers read the book before applying for initiation. If you have have read the book, and still feel drawn to apply for Kriya initiation from Guruji, please see the process of applying on Guruji’s own website at
Kashi Kriya Yoga Centre is located in Gisborne, near Melbourne, Victoria in Australia.
All yoga classes are run by Sri Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas, better known to his students as “Guruji”.
He teaches Hatha Yoga twice a week on Zoom to all levels in a style that is unique to him. Guruji’s students from around the world share remarkable stories of positive and profound change in their lives, having learned yoga from him.
Parikalp Yogam Foundation India is the Indian wing of KashiKriya, Australia. Kashi Kriya is blessed to be headed by Guruji Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas. The aim of Kashi Kriya is the upliftment and betterment of mankind by generating awareness about yoga.
We aim at building society across the globe upon fundamentals of our ancient yogic teachings and philosophy and thereby achieving greater wellbeing and welfare for every individual soul on the earth.
Il KASHI KRIYA YOGA CENTRE (Italia) nasce dietro indicazione e guida dello Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas (Guruji), Maestro di Kriya Yoga del Lignaggio di Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya, il 15 Settembre 2007 (Ganesha Chaturti).
Il Centro promuove la diffusione e la pratica dello Yoga e dell’ Ayurveda.
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