Original Kriya Yoga

A Spiritual Master

An Authorised Kriya Yoga Master in Lahri Mahasaya’s Lineage.

Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas (better known to his students as “Guruji”) is of the same lineage as Sri Paramahansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi). He was initiated and authorised to pass on the science of Kriya Yoga by Sri Satya Charan Lahiri (the grandson of Mahayogi Lahiri Mahasaya).

As an internationally recognised Kriya Yogi and spiritual master from Varanasi, India, his students from around the world share remarkable stories of positive and profound change in their lives, having learned yoga from him.

In October 2007 Guruji was awarded the Distinguished Talent Visa for his status as spiritual master and he has been living and teaching at the Kashi Kriya Yoga Centre in Gisborne, Victoria since then. However, he still travels abroad to see his disciples, and makes return trips to India whenever he can.

If you are interested in applying for Kriya Yoga initiation, please see the section below, or visit Guruji’s website.

“It seems like a strange question when people are asking, “How can I recognise a true Guru?”

In India we say that it is not possible to recognise a true Guru – there is no meaning for this – because from the external appearance it is not possible to recognise – and, if you can recognise with your inner Self, then it means you are equal to the Guru; you have attained the same level of consciousness.

If you have attained that level of consciousness, then you are already fully liberated and do not need a physical Guru.”

– Guruji (Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas)

applying for kriya yoga initiation

If you are serious about seeking Kriya initiation, please get all the facts first. Kriya is priceless – don’t settle for less than the real thing at a time when many teachers are passing on a changed method. Find out what Kriya is all about: the commitment and discipline it involves, and its benefits. Understand the principles which Lahiri Mahasaya deemed inseparable from the practice and find out if this path is really what you are looking for. Kriya Yoga will not only provide you with the facts, it will also give you the tools to recognise Lahiri Mahasaya’s Kriya. Kriya Yoga contains discussions with an authorised Kriya Yoga master (Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas – “Guruji”), who migrated from Varanasi, India, to Australia in 2007. No directory exists which divides the false gurus from the true Gurus, although this is another topic which is dealt with in some depth in Kriya Yoga.

Guruji does recommend that seekers read the book before applying for initiation. If you have have read the book, and still feel drawn to apply for Kriya initiation from Guruji, please see the process of applying on Guruji’s own website at www.kashikriya.com/seekers

a true spiritual master
"After spending time with Guruji, one will soon realize that there are teachers of yoga and then there is Guruji. He comes from a lineage of spiritual masters that has its roots in direct experience as opposed to theoretical knowledge. These attributes expose themselves to each individual differently according to his or her needs. After a class or meeting with Guruji, there isn't a person that I've talked to that hasn't felt refreshed and ready to face the world in a positive way. I could write volumes on Guruji's special attributes. For now, they can simply be summed up under one category which would be his inexhaustible love and dedication to his students."
D. Briscoe
“Guruji expresses great unconditional love for all his students. Prior to receiving Kriya Yoga, I had daily one-to-one Hatha yoga and meditation lessons with Guruji over a period of one month, and immediately found him to be self-effacing, honest and very knowledgeable on a wide range of spiritual matters. On a deeper level, I was often taken aback by his level of intuition and wisdom, knowing what I was thinking, answering questions before I had asked them, and throwing new light on the scriptures of both Indian and Christian traditions. Guruji is extremely reticent in talking about his own experiences in meditation and life. It is clear that Guruji has himself gone far beyond the levels of ordinary yoga practitioners in his own spiritual attainment.”
A. Henderson
There are many yoga teachers, but is very difficult to find a true spiritual master: Guruji is one of them, especially with regard to meditation and spiritual practices, and not just yoga asanas. Although I only recently started learning from Guruji, I immediately experienced enormous benefits from his teachings. I feel better, less stressed and everybody says I look better. There are many other mental and spiritual advantages I am experiencing.
M. Tripi
"I was always interested in philosophy, so my natural instinct was to learn more on self-realisation. Yoga being a means towards this end, my quest led me to those who had a name in this field, and my search came to an end once I had met Guruji through a fellow-disciple in India. There are many theoretical explanations in the field of self-realisation, but Guruji initiates the seeker into the practical path to achieving this goal. Someone who has not reached this height will not be able to set others in this direction. So he has a very special place in our lives."
Dr. D. Tiwari
Guruji's greatness cannot be described with words. Upon meeting him we felt that his knowledge reached beyond the realms of our limited minds. It became quite clear that he, unlike 'ordinary' yoga teachers, knew something very special and was willing to share it if you were ready to listen. The benefits of knowing Guruji are truly endless. He has changed my life in every way, and on every level.
J. Briscoe
Guruji is a very advanced soul; he is an authorised teacher of Kriya Yoga. His wisdom and knowledge in the spiritual field are very deep. He is a spiritual master and I fully trust in his knowledge. Guruji has helped me many times, and when I have questions of a personal or spiritual nature, he always gives me good advice.
S. Neuhaus
a master's blessings
"Before receiving Kriya from Guruji, I was very susceptible to colds and flu which often led to sinus problems and the use of antibiotics. Since initiation this has stopped. Very seldom now do I suffer from colds and usually they are gone quickly. Through the practices of Hatha yoga and meditation, which I learned from Guruji, my physical health has improved a lot. Emotionally I am more balanced and able to much better express my feelings and actions in everyday life. Since practising Kriya Yoga, my whole life has become more positive under the influence of Guruji and his helpful suggestions. Many times difficult situations or problems have unexpectedly turned around wonderfully for the good, in ways which I could not have believed possible before."
C. Hansen
“The most important benefit of Kriya Yoga has been spiritual. Over the years, as my perceptions have changed, I have become much more relaxed, happy, optimistic and free of stress. I am getting wiser than I used to be. The physical benefits are very evident whenever I practise Hatha yoga. One day I arrived at Guruji's with a back problem that had persisted for 18 months and nearly drove me crazy. After three weeks it was gone. There are more experiences like this. I met Guruji again recently, after a year of intensive and hard work, both financially and spiritually. I only had a chance to talk to Guruji briefly, but it was enough. I returned home restored to my usual good humour. And he did it by checking my Kriya Yoga practice and giving me some advice.”
T. Epstein
"For the previous five years I had had knee problems. I could not ride a bicycle for an hour or sit in a meditation position for more than ten minutes before my right knee would hurt. When talking with Guruji about the possibility of initiation, he asked me how long I could sit in meditation position because it was important to sit for a long time. When I told him that I could not do so for longer than ten minutes, he whispered something like "it will get better soon". Five days later I received initiation, which lasted more than two hours. For most of this time, I needed to sit in meditation position. It did not hurt at all, my knee was cured! Since that time I can both sit for hours in meditation position and ride the bicycle. This is one of the biggest miracles I experienced in my life."
R. Vissers
“Guruji has guided me and helped me out so many times since I have known him. Whether it was something small and seemingly trivial like dietary or occupation advice, he was always there at the right time to gently ease me out of personal dismay. As a result, this allowed me to see and explore different options in life. He has a gift that allows you to see things for yourself without directly telling you to "do this" or "change that." His attentiveness and compassionate nature is inspiring and naturally makes you want to work hard in yoga like he once did. Since being with Guruji, I have been a happier and a much more confident person when there was once a time where negativity and insecurity saturated my life.”
D. Briscoe
"Guruji answers questions without speaking, he tells stories that sometimes make no sense at the time, and then weeks or months later the realisation dawns on me what he meant – and I understand something about myself that I need to work on and change. Guruji doesn’t have an ego – he is not seeking fame and fortune; he just wants his disciples to practise Kriya and evolve on this magical path. The physical, mental and emotional benefits that I have experienced are so many! I am becoming more disciplined and aware. This journey towards self-realisation is the most important thing ever. I have learned to ‘let go’ of long-held desires; stopped blaming others for shortcomings in myself and experienced periods of peace that I have never felt before. I find myself waiting before reacting and am better able to put challenges into perspective. I am so grateful for all Guruji has done for me."
"The practice of Kriya Yoga has brought me a great deal of benefits: firstly, I feel healthy and energetic; my job requires me to travel all over the world, also I have to manage a large number of people; not only that, I am a single mum with two teenage children and live in an extended family. Practising Kriya Yoga has allowed me to balance my life, to stay calm and ‘present in the moment’ and thus be a lot more productive and effective in my day-to-day life. My persona has changed through the practice Guruji has given me – I now have a deeper understanding and awareness of myself, and emotionally and spiritually I am becoming more mature. The benefits I gain are a direct result of the time and effort that I put in. The more I practise the deeper and more profound the results. I have lived and travelled extensively in the United States and many other countries. I have taken part in a number of different workshops and practices but I truly feel that Kriya Yoga is far and above any of the practices I have experienced to date. This practice is life-changing and it lasts. "
C. Modi Bhartia
Kashi kriya international

Kashi Kriya Australia

Kashi Kriya Yoga Centre is located in Gisborne, near Melbourne, Victoria in Australia.

All yoga classes are run by Sri Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas, better known to his students as “Guruji”.

He teaches Hatha Yoga twice a week on Zoom to all levels in a style that is unique to him. Guruji’s students from around the world share remarkable stories of positive and profound change in their lives, having learned yoga from him.

Parikalp Yogam India

Parikalp Yogam Foundation India is the Indian wing of KashiKriya, Australia. Kashi Kriya is blessed to be headed by Guruji Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas. The aim of Kashi Kriya is the upliftment and betterment of mankind by generating awareness about yoga.

We aim at building society across the globe upon fundamentals of our ancient yogic teachings and philosophy and thereby achieving greater wellbeing and welfare for every individual soul on the earth. 

Kashi Kriya Italy

Il KASHI KRIYA YOGA CENTRE (Italia) nasce dietro indicazione e guida dello Yogi Prakash Shankar Vyas (Guruji), Maestro di Kriya Yoga del Lignaggio di Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya, il 15 Settembre 2007 (Ganesha Chaturti).

Il Centro promuove la diffusione e la pratica dello Yoga e dell’ Ayurveda.

listen to guruji's talks

Part One

Meditation and the Kriya Yoga Master

  1. What is the True Meaning of Guru?
  2. How Can I recognise a True Guru?
  3. Why is the Guru important in Kriya Yoga?
  4. What does the Kriya Yoga master expect of his disciples?
  5. What can a disciple expect of a Kriya Yoga Master?
  6. What is Surrender?
  7. Are You my Guru?

Part Two

Part Two: Meditation and the Mind

  1. What is the Aim of Meditation?
  2. Can Everybody Meditate?
  3. What is the Cause of Pain and Suffering?
  4. What are the Benefits of Meditation?
  5. What is Ego?
  6. What is Devotion?
  7. Do You Have any Practical Advice for Beginners?

Part Three

Moving Towards Kriya Yoga

  1. What distinguishes Kriya Yoga from other forms of Meditation?
  2. The Eightfold Path of Yoga
  3. The Branches of Yoga
  4. What is the Significance of AUM on the mind?
  5. What is Karma?
  6. The Inner Battle – Obstacles in Meditation
  7. Rigtht Living for the Yoga Practitioner

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