Original Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga Book

Kriya Yoga belongs on the bookshelf alongside classics like Autobiography of a Yogi, to be delved into again and again ….”

– ForeWord Clarion Reviews

When Heidi Wyder was traveling the world and arrived in Varanasi, India, she decided it was the perfect spot to dabble in a bit of yoga. The young novitiate had no inkling that this casual step to get in shape was the launch of a transformative, lifelong spiritual journey. Kriya Yoga: Four Spiritual Masters and a Beginner shares her remarkable immersion in an extremely powerful practice that leads to inner peace and supreme bliss.

Logging her progress with the original Kriya Yoga, Wyder’s fascinating and uplifting account takes spiritual seekers everywhere on a captivating voyage along the ancient and much sought-after yoga path known in India as the “Holy Grail.” The book does this by recounting the extraordinary and miraculous lives of the renowned spiritual master Lahiri Mahasaya, his son Tinkori Lahiri, and his grandson Satya Charan Lahiri, who passed the authority to teach others to his most advanced disciple, “Guruji” Prakash Shankar Vyas.

As she explores questions surrounding prayer, meditation, healing, levitation, and the meaning of life, Wyder presents Guruji’s logical and authoritative answers. Kriya Yoga now enables others to access the authentic and scientific Kriya Yoga, and further their own personal quest towards self-discovery and peace of mind.

more about the book

Returning to the source of Kriya Yoga, Wyder chronicles her personal progress on the much-sought-after meditation technique from the beginner’s perspective, whilst exploring issues such as:


  • What is the key to lasting inner peace and happiness?
  • How were Jesus and other spiritual masters able to heal?
  • What are the secrets behind levitation and walking on water?
  • What is the difference between prayer and meditation?
  • What does breath-control have to do with finding God?
  • Why should a master with supernatural powers hide these from the general public?
  • How and why has Lahiri Mahasaya’s Kriya Yoga been changed since its arrival in the West?
  • How can I recognise the original Kriya Yoga method?

The Story of Yoga

Since the 1980s, yoga started to become highly commercialised: Hatha Yoga is packaged as a workout, whilst Tantra Yoga is marketed as the answer to increasing sexual prowess. New varieties are constantly appearing, and a large proportion of  books currently available emphasise the physical aspect alone. Kriya Yoga: Four Spiritual Masters and a Beginner is different because it deals with the whole story of yoga. Whilst it clarifies the origin and purpose of Hatha and other branches of yoga, it is concerned primarily with its spiritual and mystical aspect.

The Source of kriya

At a time when many are propagating a changed method of the scientific technique, this book returns to the source and principles of Kriya Yoga, offering a clear and honest perspective. It explains why seekers should be wary of claims that five to ten minutes of meditation a day can lead to self-realisation and ultimate freedom; or that a few months will suffice in order to unlock the chakras and raise the kundalini. The original Kriya Yoga as given by Lahiri Mahasaya is no ‘quick fix’, and explains the important reasons why Kriya has always been transferred from authorised teacher to disciple in the original tradition.

Available in Paperback & Kindle from Amazon and Most Online Bookstores.

What Readers Say

Kriya Yoga (Versione italiana)

È nata nel Sussex, in Inghilterra, nel 1969. Come cantautrice, ha inciso due album all’inizio degli anni Novanta. Ha conseguito una laurea in francese e tedesco presso l’Università di Exeter e, in seguito, ha fatto pratica e ha lavorato come insegnante di lingue in Inghilterra. Attualmente vive in Australia con il marito e i figli. Lavora come insegnante e scrittrice, e nel frattempo s’impegna al massimo nella pratica delle tecniche di Kriya Yoga che le ha insegnato “Guruji” Vyas.

About the author

Heidi Wyder is a secondary school teacher.  Born in Sussex, England, she was awarded a degree in French and German at the University of Exeter, and subsequently a postgraduate degree as a language teacher from the University of Cambridge.

The author lives in Australia with her husband and two children and practices the Kriya Yoga techniques given to her by her “Guruji,” Prakash Shankar Vyas. She still loves to share Guruji’s words of wisdom in her spare time. 

Heidi is also a singer-songwriter who recorded two folk-pop albums in the early 1990s, as well as two more albums of meditation inspired music since. 

For details of upcoming album releases in the online stores, and to find out more about the inspiration behind the music,  follow heidi_wyder on Instagram and visit Heidi’s music website.

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