Original Kriya Yoga

The Householder Yogis

In ancient times, yogis and spiritual masters used to retreat to the mountain caves and forests, and lived as renunciants. This was partly the reason why the holy path of Kriya Yoga (a scientific meditation path otherwise known as the “Holy Grail” in India, which has also been known by other names) was kept in the hands of an exclusive few whilst the technique and knowledge of its existence almost became lost to mankind.

Therefore, Lahiri Mahasaya, who became known worldwide as the “father of Kriya Yoga” through the publication of Autobiography of a Yogi was instructed by his spiritual Guru, Babaji, to establish a principle whereby spiritual seekers who

were ready for Kriya initiation should live as “householders”- in other words, have a family life and work for a living whilst remaining true to their spiritual development through Kriya practice.

Lahiri Mahasaya said that the establishment of organisations and ashrams would endanger the original practice of Kriya Yoga, since it always had to be passed on in person from authorised (and therefore self-realised) Guru to disciple. Therefore, he never allowed disciples to set up an ashram or Kriya Yoga organisation, although many tried to persuade him to do so. Instead, Lahiri Mahasaya, his son Tinkari Lahiri, and grandson Satya Charan Lahiri, hid their spiritual powers from the general public and lived as householders.

This is also a brief introduction to Guruji’s lineage and these three great yogis, whose stories can be found in my book, and is the reason why Guruji lives as a “Householder Yogi”.

In Guruji’s own words: “When my path first started, I was young and did not know how yoga was related to spirituality. But in 1985, I found my Guru and spiritual master, Satya Charan Lahiri, and received the practice of Kriya Yoga directly from him. His grandfather, Lahiri Mahasaya, was a very well known Yogi in India. Yogananda was in the same lineage. And a few years later Satya Charan Lahiri authorised me to initiate Kriya Yoga which is secret and meant for those people who are disciplined and can do this practice in their life. He took mahasamadhi in 1987.