Original Kriya Yoga

The Householder Yogis

In ancient times, yogis and spiritual masters used to retreat to the mountain caves and forests, and lived as renunciants. This was partly the reason why the holy path of Kriya Yoga (a scientific meditation path otherwise known as the “Holy Grail” in India, which has also been known by other names) was kept in the hands of an exclusive few whilst the technique and knowledge of its existence almost became lost to mankind.

Yoga with Guruji

Sometimes new people after a yoga lesson ask, “That was so amazing. Can he read your mind or something? When he spoke after the class, he answered all my questions…!” I respond with a wry smile and do my best to keep my mouth shut. How can you explain on the doorstep that Guruji is not an ordinary yoga teacher, and this ability is something far higher than mind-reading?

Introducing Guruji

Guruji is a “Householder Yogi”: a spiritual master who teaches Hatha Yoga for a living and has a family. He does not have an ashram, nor does he run a business or an organisation. He is an authorised master of Kriya Yoga in the direct lineage of the great Yogi Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, whose name became known worldwide through the publication of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.